Best Papers
- 2018, The ASME Turbo Expo Technical Conference Committee’s Best Paper Award for the paper presented at the 2018 Turbo Expo: P. Dagaut, Y. Bedjanian, G. Dayma, F. Foucher, B. Grosselin, M. Romanias, R. Shahla. Emission of carbonyl and polyaromatic hydrocarbons pollutants from the combustion liquid fuels: Impact of biofuel blending. GT2018-75136. ASME 2018 Turbo Expo, Norway Trade Fairs, Oslo, Norway, June 11–15, 2018.
- 2017, The International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer’s Hartnett-Irvine Award, for best paper: S. Thion, Z. Serinyel, G. Dayma, P. Dagaut. More insight into cyclohexanone oxidation: jet-stirred reactor experiments and kinetic modeling. 10th Mediteranean Combustion Symposium, Naples, Italy, 17–21 September, 2017. ICHMT